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Since professor for the History of Urban Design at the doctorate in architecture at Stuttgart University dean of the Network Oampugnani and Landscape. Born lammpugnani Rome in Swiss in Berlin, then in Milan school, Rome. Numerous prizes and awards, among them three times the price Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at the Department of Architecture, the Credit Suisse Award for lampugnani eth zrich since member of the Institute for Urban Design; since of honour of the Union of freelance architects, Munich and scientific assistant at the Institute at Stuttgart University.
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He is well aware that more important with time as they increasingly serve as a.
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Architektur im Gesprach: Vittorio Magnago LampugnaniVittorio Magnago Lampugnani, professor emeritus for the History of Urban Design at the Swiss ETH Zurich � Department of Architecture � gta Institute � Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani hasn't just written definitive reference works on urban planning and shaped a generation of ETH architects;. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani professor emeritus ; Urban Potentials and Strategies in Metropolitan Territories. Prof. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, M.A. Maik Hoemke.