How to send money on blockchain

how to send money on blockchain

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How to DEPOSIT or WITHDRAW crypto on Blockchain Wallet - Bitcoin App Tutorial
Blockchain is groundbreaking technology that optimizes the way money is transferred and transactions are processed. While it has been used in many fields since. Click on your cryptocurrency value and it will display the fiat currency equivalent. Send app screenshoot. Sending & Receiving. To send funds from your wallet. Select your Account, Exchange Account or enter any other crypto address you'd like to send funds to and click Next. Enter the amount and click on Network Fee to select between Regular or Priority fee. Click "Preview Send" and then Confirm to finalise the transaction after double checking the details.
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James Page, previously the lead writer at Crypto Head and a registered psychologist, brings a unique perspective to the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency. If you want to exchange your bitcoins for US Dollars, EUR, or GBP and send the funds to your bank account, you need to select a trusted crypto exchange platform to facilitate the exchange. Quick Answer: Blockchain. If your linked bank account is crypto-friendly, then you can directly withdraw money from blockchain to bank account.