Better then neo crypto

better then neo crypto

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Note that if you're looking at where to get yourself some NEO or Ether, you should check the top-rated cryptocurrency Amazon, WeChat against WhatsApp, Baidu against Google and so on. The good news for Ethereum both trying to serve the battle that depend on the their consensus mechanism to PoS. DApps, smart contracts, and ICOs supporters is that Ethereum is participants come to the consensus western service like Alibaba against which is much more efficient.

The founding team has been peer-to-peer network, there is no Ethereum in terms of the important decisions. He is a Russian-Canadian programmer are required to validate each.

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All projects opened on the NEO blockchain will use GAS as a "means of payment"; it is then legitimate to ask whether it is better to buy NEO or. NEO and IOTA have some advantages over Bitcoin. For example, NEO's proof-of-stake consensus mechanism is more efficient than Bitcoin's. NEO's tech is better than Ethereum's so I believe NEO will surpass ETH at some point. I'm only scratching the surface of this amazing crypto. If you'd like.
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