Kucoin help

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Recently we have been informed there is a scammer posing as a KuCoin official through our official [email protected] email, where he approaches token projects. Kucoin Helpline Support for Kucoin Customer On +�� Help Desk Team Will Assit You Shortly 24*7 Call Our Team Member For Your Issue And Query. Visit allthingsbitcoin.org & click on 'API Management' under the user icon in the drop-down menu � Click 'Create API'. � "Choose an 'API Name' and 'API Passphrase'.
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All Rights Reserved. An email verification code will be sent to your registered e-mail address. Given no other information, the only assumption that can be made is that you have acquired 0. Now, it is fixed, I am just waiting the 24h account freezing after security setting reset. This includes the benefit of higher daily withdrawal limits and the opportunity to register for KuCoin Spotlight, where you can participate in token sales for promising projects.