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Eth btc reddit Potential ROI: 2. Twitter LinkedIn icon The word "in". Whether ETH will be worth more or less in 20 years is impossible to predict with absolute certainty. The Ethereum blockchain is the most popular platform for dApp deployment. Check out: Personal Finance Insider's picks for best cryptocurrency exchanges. Stay up to date with what you want to know.
Bread crypto price prediction Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is a new blockchain-based financial technology that allows users to perform trustless transactions without the involvement of third parties, such as banks. As for Ethereum potentially crashing to zero, while any investment comes with risks, Ethereum losing its entire value seems highly unlikely. Ethereum Circulating Supply. Check out: Personal Finance Insider's picks for best cryptocurrency exchanges. DigitalCoinPrice are rather positive in their Ethereum price prediction.

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It depends on how much money you want to invest and how much risk tolerance you have. In general BTC is a safer asset and stands in a class of. Yes, you can send your ETH to a CEX and swap it to BTC there. Depending on available trading pairs on the CEX of your choice, you might have to. Come bull time eth will outperform bitcoin like normal and who knows maybe even flip at end of cycle, who knows. Also, censorship can happen on.
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