Binance reset identity verification

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Confirm your name and address, to our announcement. Alternatively, tap [Profile] and tap within 48 hours. After completing the process, please wait patiently.

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Binance reset identity verification 394
Simon braun eth Select the document type and upload your proof of address. Once complete, you will receive an email notification. Remember to keep your Binance account password confidential and avoid sharing it with anyone. Remember to keep your recovery key secure and confidential. Binance reviews its products and services on an ongoing basis to determine changes and improvements.
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Binance reset identity verification Why should I provide supplementary certificate information? Stay patient and provide the requested information promptly to expedite the process. As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, you may have chosen Binance as your preferred exchange platform. Center your face in the frame and follow the instructions to complete it. Tap [Take a selfie]. After disabling two-factor authentication on Binance, the next step in resetting Google Authenticator is to submit a reset request.
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1. Log in to your personal Binance account and click the [Profile] icon. Select [Identification]. Alternatively, click [Complete. � support � faq � why-do-i-need-to-re-verify-my-binan. To reset your Binance account's Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), you need to submit a video to the Customer Service team to verify your request. 1.
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You can access the identity verification from [Profile] - [Unverified] , or tap [Verify Now] from the app homepage. Just to let you know, with the regulators becoming serious about money laundering and illicit uses of cryptocurrency, it would not be far that No-KYC exchanges would become illegal one day, and users would flock to the DeFi platforms. Copy Trading.