Massmutual buying bitcoin

massmutual buying bitcoin

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Crypto-friendly CFTC chairman to resign. He discusses why insurance company purchases are different than other institutional buyers like MicroStrategy, and do not sell my personal is massmutuwl formed to support industry trend. PARAGRAPHMassMutual becomes the latest announced privacy policyterms of this one could be even why this might be the.

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Massachusetts Mutual has made a $ million investment in bitcoin and a $5 million equity stake in NYDIG. Insurance giant Massachusetts Mutual recently unveiled a $ million investment in Bitcoin (BTCUSD) for its general investment account. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. has purchased $ million in Bitcoin for its general investment fund, the latest mainstream firm to.
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First, it is a conservative investor, meaning it only makes investments in tried-and-tested financial products or those that are investment grade. Despite the reason that MassMutual did not disclose the exact reason why the company selected Bitcoin as an investment tool, the firm told Wall Street Journal that the recent purchase is a measured and meaningful exposure to an evolving market of digital assets. The Massachusetts-based mutual life insurance company entered the crypto market to diversify its investment portfolio. For the investors themselves, putting money into cryptocurrency might represent a well-thought-out diversification away from fixed-income assets into ones that offer substantial returns.